SEED incorporated as a public benefit corporation, and then became a Certified B Corporation, to confirm a commitment to sustainability goals and agriculture technologies that support food security. Team SEED benefits from a diversity that lets us understand communities we serve. We are curious and passionate about food systems, our cultural foodways and working with end-users on agriculture practices that conserve ecosystems, rights and resources.

  • Sabrina Williams


    Sabrina has a background in architecture, law and urban planning with almost 25 years of experience working with groups across the U.S. as a community organizer and organizational development specialist. In 2000, she founded a non-profit to address sustainability and food security in low-income neigborhoods, and created SEED as a project focused on urban farming and community food systems. She began helping non-tech food growers in South Los Angeles and Cuba explore regenerative agriculture and technology by introducing a DIY, automatic irrigation system. In 2019, Sabrina founded SEED, with the goal of democratizing agtech. She is a certified Master Gardener.

  • Andraleia Villand


    Andraleia is a graduate of UC Berkeley. She integrates decades-long experience in construction and project management with an extensive portfolio in residential products marketing, staging and product placement for home brands. As a volunteer, then site manager for the original SEED project, she blended a family history of farming — her parents moved to California from farms in Georgia — with a desire to increase food security in South Los Angeles. She was raised, and now lives, at the site of the original SEED project. As such she grasps the importance of food security and community through a stakeholder’s lens. She is a certified Permaculture Specialist.

  • Lee Salazar Chavez


    Lee is a bilingual Xicane activist passionate about sustainable practices and universal design. They have extensive project management experience, key programming skills and hold certifications in Computer Information Systems and ITIL4. For SEED’s day-to-day operations, Lee merges a background in interpretation, education and advocacy, with an innate talent for making the unclear clear. As a lifelong learner, they bring curiosity to creating solutions to climate change especially as related to global food sovereignty. Lee was a member of a community farm where they gained insight into regenerative practices and the impact on stakeholder well-being.